Vaxry's blog

a nerd's basement.

The problems and shortcomings of Cosmic


For what is essentially, a buggy, barebones alpha at best, the coverage of COSMIC has been overwhelmingly positive. That must mean it's great, right? Well, not exactly. System76 (the authors) are reposting en masse only the positive quotes from the reviews they cherry-pick. Any negative comments on ...

The Linux desktop is self-destructive


I've had this thought in my mind for a long while now, but some recent events have finally made me decide to write a blogpost about this. In short: The Linux desktop and the community around it focus way more on bringing each other down than actually progressing the software further. If not for the ...

What is the wlroots rewrite, why, and how's it going?


My endeavors at rewriting wlroots have become quite a common topic in many parts of the Hyprland spaces online, and I've noticed that a lot of people do not actually understand what it entails, or what it is, and what it's not. Because of that, I've decided to write a small blogpost detailing the re...

The results of the Fourth Hyprland Census


A while back I conducted the fourth Hyprland census, and got some interesting replies. As is tradition, I will sum up the results and give my own comments in a small blogpost. We've gotten 2x more replies this time, thank you to everyone who participated! Demographics As usual, we start with the de...

Writing my own malloc to fix my trampolines


This is a continuation to a blogpost I made quite a while back about x86 trampolines in Linux, read it before this one: link. A while back I made a tweet about a bit of code that fixed almost all my problems with trampoline hooks, and it's been the most successful tweet of mine of all time, probably...

Freedesktop/RedHat's CoC team is worse than you thought.


Before reading this, please make sure to read "part 1" of this entire story: My previous blogpost is here I will update the story here, as I have received an email from Alex about a day after I made my blogpost. As with "part 1", I want to preface this with how this post is not to start a hate camp...

How Freedesktop/RedHat harass other projects into submission


There has been an update to this story, as the member has responded to this blogpost. After reading this post, make sure to read the follow-up The name of the person contacting me has been censored due to excess online hate. Please do not go harassing the person. I never would have thought I'd hav...

What the Cursor?


As I've recently launched hyprcursor, a completely new cursor format for use in a modern desktop aimed at replacing the old standard of XCursor, I think it's a good idea to make a blogpost about how cursors actually work on Linux (and BSD, blah blah) in general to help people understand what's going...

Come help shape Hyprland!


Although I don't like complaining about working too much or burnout, there are points at which it is fair to speak up about such issues, in my opinion. For me, as I approach 2 years without a single day of a break in developing hyprland, I believe that entitles me to open up a bit about how it's bee...

How to work full-time without a salary, aka do FOSS.


As much as I'd love to give advice on how to not work like me, I unfortunately don't have much experience in that. So, instead, I can give you tips on how to write code full-time for (almost) free. Or, in other words, how to not go insane from working in FOSS without an actual job paying you to do s...

Inclusive community activists are harming FOSS


Firstly, I have to preface this entire article with stating that I have nothing against inclusive communities at all. We live in a free world, you're allowed to create whatever communities you like, as long as they are legal and moral. What this article is about, is people, by some referred to as "S...

Changes to the Hyprland community


With recent drama, I have decided to investigate the issue of harassment in the Hyprland community a bit more. This post is to outline the already present changes and the nearest future's upcoming ones. I'd like to highlight that my previous post on the matter is still up there and, unlike what some...

Misinformation about the Hyprland community


This blogpost is mostly a reply to Drew DeVault's post titled "Hyprland is a toxic community" (link). In this post, I'd like to try to be as clear as possible, avoiding paraphrasing and throwing in personal opinions as much as possible, which I'd like Drew to also attempt next time he makes a post w...

The results of the Third Hyprland Census


A while back we've conducted the third hyprland census, now it's time to reveal the results. No PDF this time because 1) I am lazy and 2) nobody was using them. Straight to the point, no bullshit. Demographics As usual, we start with the people. Not much has changed, again, males under 25. What a s...

C++ Interacting With C? Wrap it!


C++ is a generally great language, offering versatility, speed and power to those who have time to learn it well. Although it does have some weaknesses, like the known "10 ways to accomplish one thing, C++ has them all", one of the most critiqued weak spot of C++ is the apparent lack of memory safet...

Maintaining FOSS Projects Sucks


Many people like to complain about software. Although praise for software may sometimes be more frequent than hate, it's usually the hate that is more pronounced. That's the reality that we live in. As Schopenhauer says, that which inconveniences us is visible as the turmoils in life, because the po...

Advanced Trampoline Hooks in x86 Linux


This blogpost has received a part 2, check it out here After having mostly finished the initial plugin system implementation in Hyprland, a bunch of people were curious about the new hook system, and understandably so. Hyprland uses trampoline hooks to let plugins call their own code before or afte...

New Blog Design


Hello hello and welcome after a short break. I have now decided that it was high time to update the blog's design. The previous one was definitely bad. It wasn't terrible, but it was pretty bad. The issues with the old design The previous design had two glaring issues: æsthetics. performance The f...

The Results of the Second Hyprland Census


After a few days of the census starting, I've now received over 200 responses (206 to be exact) and I want to thank everyone who has partaken in the Census. Y'all are awesom- I mean, hypr! Now, with all of the replies, I will go through them one at a time, comparing them to the last Census and shari...

Hyprland and the bundled wlroots


As you may have noticed, if you are a Hyprland user, Hyprland does not depend on wlroots. However, it still is a wlroots-based compositor. How is that? Well, in short, Hyprland bundles wlroots. What that means, is that there is a git submodule in the Hyprland tree, and that wlroots is locally built,...

Addressing some common Hyprland complaints


In before Brodie Robertson releases his promised Hyprland video in two years (probably lol) I decided to address some common complaints regarding Hyprland here. Hope you enjoy this massive rant about idiots. Hyprland's developer(s) are very unprofessional! Ok, and? Honestly, although I understand wh...

I've finally fixed the view count


Well, this won't be a long blogpost. I am letting you all know that the viewcount up to today has been SEVERELY deflated. Why? Because of my stupidity in code, and partially because I just didn't notice. Yes, it seemed a bit off but I just brushed it off as a "who wants to read a programming blog lo...

The Results of The First Hyprland Census


After a few days, I've gathered over 100 replies to The First Hyprland Census. I've asked a few questions to better direct Hyprland's development. Now, with all those replies, The report is done. It's available in PDF format if you prefer it like that, or, you can read it below. Thank you to everyon...

A Ramble About Typos in Hyprland


I think I have to start this with a preface explaining what I classify as a "typo" in programming. In my opinion, a typo in programming is not when you misspell a name of the variable, for example from MyVar to MyVae, as that would be quickly caught by the linter, or the compiler. What I mean by a t...

You can now support me on ko-fi!


After this being suggested for a while now, I've decided to launch a ko-fi page. Ko-fi is a neat platform where you can tip me a bit of money once, or register for a tier. If you have some spare dollars, or euros, or whatever currency you use, and you like what I do online, you can go to https://ko-...

Hyprland - Hypr, but better, and land.


Haven't written a blogpost in a while, but hey, I'm writing another one now. If you have absolutely no idea what Hyprland is, I recommend you go and take a look at the repo here. Hyprland, just like Hypr, started with an idea. The idea was that since Hypr was nearing the point where I was not really...

The main site is finally updated!


My main site,, has finally been updated after 2 years of pretty much no change. The 2020 website, although having I'd say a pretty nice and simple design, had some flaws. Firstly, it was VERY minimalistic. I mean, three links and a video. That's it, pretty much. So, this time, after get...

It's not Awesome, it's Hypr!


Hypr was my first "major" public project. Yes, I've done big projects at work, and before too, but it was the first that I've written from the ground-up, was big and public. It's also one of those projects that I am still proud of, and not only because it's gained over 330 stars already on Github. I...

Hello World, may I say.


After some battling it with Node.JS and Express.JS, I've managed to get a more-or-less functional site. Well, at least until I break it and then I have to panic make it work again. So, with that being said, I am proud to announce that my blog is online starting from today! I will post stuff about my...